Monthly Archives: September 2007

maybe too quick to judge Comments Off on maybe too quick to judge

I was reading over my post from yesterday and I realized I was being a bit too judgmental.  Not about the entertainment industry (that’s still pretty much evil), but about the people in it.  People are hardly ever their best at work.  Just because a celeb puts off a negative vibe wrapped in common courtesy […]

what do you do when you hate your own industry? 2

I really kind of do. I hate what it does to the people who work in it. I hate what can do to the people who watch it. The one thing I don’t hate (sometimes) is the end product. I love “Heroes”, “Lost”, and “24” has its moments. I love watching a really good movie […]

i can say that, right? 5

The problem with having a blog on the internet (where else would you have one?) is that it’s just so darn…public.  I get home in the evenings and (aside from being exhausted), I realize that most of the things I could write about, I can’t write about.  I make it a habit about not blogging […]

a week in the life 3

I really, really meant to update this more frequently, but this has been quite the week of business with work and such. (Plus it wasn’t until this morning that I realized just how long I’ve been here). Sadly, I think I have decided that I don’t really like LA. Sacrilege, I know. I can’t even […]

i’ve arrived…well, i’ve gotten here anyway 5

After driving for hours without seeing anything in the Mojave Desert (seriously), I thundered down the mountains in the old Grand Cherokee and rolled into Los Angeles.  The GPS was congenial and as I wound my way around the streets of Burbank, I realized that Warner Brothers studios was right ahead of me.  Warner Brothers.  […]