
So, My Chemical Romance seems to be what would happen if you crossed Maralyn Manson with Blink-182. A Manson-lite if you will. I have to admit that the dead ballerina dance in their new Helena video is pretty cool.

Still no word on the film contest. Everyone got an email last night saying the results should be up today by noon. We’ll see. I gave the DVD to my professor yesterday. I was sitting in Human Development class and we were talking about people who are people oriented rather than task oriented. It is actually better to be task oriented, because people who are people oriented are always trying to find out what is acceptable to the authority. For example, students who find out what the teacher wants and gear their work to that rather than trying to do what they think is the best. I realize I do that all the time. In fact, sometimes I don’t think something is good until someone “in authority” tells me it is good. I’m working on that.

Last night I watched The Village again. The film is just amazingly beautiful. The music revolves around a violin soloist which sets the tone and period of the film even more than the visuals do. Watching it a second time and watching films like Hotel Rwanda and the Motorcycle Diaries earlier help me to realize that it isn’t quite an important film, but it has something that the others don’t: it is highly entertaining.

How many scary movies can be genuinely eerie a second time through and when the “monster” is in plain view? Even knowing what is going on, the situation is just so scary, that you get the willies a little bit.

I love Shyamalan’s directing style. Long takes that are genuinely long. Sometimes he doesn’t even move the camera or doesn’t move it until the very end. The jump cuts to the trees during the sequence when Ivy is being hunted by the creature are very effective. The woods themselves are the enemy. The color palette is very natural. Color is something I rarely consider (ironic, film being a visual medium).

The puppet in Interpol’s Evil video is creepy.