scramble scores

Here are the scores that I got in an email from the Scramble people:

Here?s how this works. The scores listed here for your team are averages of the five judges. The scoring was on a 1-10 scale, with 10 being the best. Each juror gave a 1-10 score for each team in the following categories: Overall, fruit, 3-lines, color, visual story telling (30-seconds), directing, cinematography, and story. The Inspiration Items score is an average of 4 averaged scores for each item. The actor awards were written in. Honorable mentions were given to those actors who received a write-in vote from one juror.
Your Scores:
Overall: 4.266
Fruit: 6
3-line execution: 4
Color: 5
Visual Story telling: 3.25
Inspiration Items Average: 4.56
Directing: 4.2
Cinematography: 3.6
Story: 4.2

Winning Scores –
Overall: 8.466
Inspiration Items Average: 7.75
Directing: 8.6
Cinematography: 8.6
Story: 8.4

So, I guess I need to work on my cinematography.