still no screenplay

So, I still have a screenplay due Monday and nothing. Absolutely nothing. At least the screenplay is only about 10 pages or so (which isn’t that much in screenplay format), but when you have no doable ideas, 10 pages is as much as 500 pages. A 500 page script would make a dang long movie.

Our class is meeting with Seinfeld guy this afternoon. We are supposed to show him clips of some of the stuff we have done. I chose a minute clip from my music video. I still think it has some of the best cinematography I’ve done to date. I have to admit that I am a little nervous.

I made a really cool J.J. and the Cannabinoids logo. I bought some photos from a stock photography company on the internet and they are royalty-free, but I still think I am violating the license agreement because I am using it in a logo even though there aren’t any photos in the actual J.J. logo. I might post it sometime soon.

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  1. Anonymous

    Yes, music video, good choice! I think I lost my copy…so when I get back, another must be made!

    Posted March 18, 2005 at 9:21 pm | Permalink