neighborhood zoo

Thora’s Eye
Originally uploaded by ninoka.

Added to the list of stray animals that adopt our home (the others being a rabbit and an occasional dog) is a cat.

There is a hole in the back of my closet that gives access to the pipes of the bathtub. It is not-so-well covered by a piece of plywood.

All day Saturday we were hearing the sound of a cat underneath the house. While I was on the computer Saturday night, I heard a noise in my closet and out hops a black cat with purple collar. I thought he would freak out, but no, he jumps in my lap and proceeds to climb to the top of my head. For the past two nights we’ve put him out at night thinking maybe he’d get the hint and go home, but it is looking as though we are going to have to go around the neighborhood and see if anyone is going to claim the thing.

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  1. Anonymous

    lol! that’s hilarious!


    Posted September 26, 2005 at 6:27 pm | Permalink
  2. cleverscreenname

    Seriously, a black cat on my head. That can’t be a good sign.

    Posted September 26, 2005 at 7:28 pm | Permalink