
Working Comfortable
Originally uploaded by Mareen Fischinger.

I started storyboarding the movie. A storyboard is what the movie would look like as a comic book (basically). A problem with this is that I am not a comic book artist (or any artist of the drawing type). I drew one sketch that got banned from the art fair once, but it wasn’t all that great.

So after I tried doing the first scene a couple of times, my stick figures just mocked me in a cruel and unnecessary manner. I pouted for a moment and then decided to switch to floorplans. Floorplans are a top-down view of the set where the characters are blocked (choreographed (without the dancing)) and the camera’s postions and movements are set. I did that for the first two scenes and thought, “Holy crap, what am I doing?” Sigh. I think I need to tone down the second scene. While shooting it in one long take would be increadibly cool, I think it is probably unneccessary and gratuitous. I hate when other people through stuff like this in their movies….waiiiiiit a minute, I have a long scene with just dialog! I’m thinking tracking shot in one take! Too bad the actors have to remember all those lines.

Enough mental meandering and back to business. Below is the floorplan for the first scene. I have a separate paper explaining all the movements and such and I lost my textbook from last year (I may have sold it back to the bookstore) that explains how to actually draw one of these things, but yeah okay whatever.

I have to have the floorplans/storyboards done by Sunday night when I meet with the producers and we go over them. We have our first meeting as a class on Monday night, after which I go over the floorplans/storyboards with the DP.