back to back all nighters

my desk at four am
Originally uploaded by Michael Sarver.

So, I’m thinking that in the past 48 hours, I’ve gotten 3 hours of sleep…if you add them all up.

Being up for 45 hours does weird things to you. Your nerves are shot. You don’t realize that they are shot until the shot has already been fired. At least my moment of inappropriate emotion wasn’t completely in public. Still embarrassing, thought.

Except for technical tweaks, our movie is done. Finally…. Fina-freakin’-ly. It isn’t perfect, but it looks pretty good.

I am sooooooo relieved that it is done.

Another problem with being awake for 45 hours…now I don’t feel tired. Well, I feel tired, but I don’t feel sleepy. I feel hungry, but not sleepy. Actually, it is even worse, because right before the two all-nighters, I did two 2am-ers.

I could be going insane.


Oh, yeah. Sympathy Premiere date: December 7th at 7:30pm at the Bama Theatre. Were it rated, the movie would receive an R for language.