i am getting married – to my ipod nano

nano sheen
Originally uploaded by XNDR.

No really, even if I have to go to Massachusetts the little thing and I are getting hitched. I am walking around campus with my little white earbuds (like everyone else in the world) and it is like having a soundtrack to your life…done by Taking Back Sunday.

Why must every single small class have the one kid with tourettes? Correction, it is usually not a kid, it’s usually some old person. Not to be age-ist, but they just say the most random things when no question has been asked and you just want to yell, “Shut up man!” Actually, I’ve only seen these little Rain Men in my film classes. Stupid film people being crazy. The guy doesn’t have an obvious mental condition, just like making comments to himself and apparantly he is hard-of-hearing so he must say these innaproprately loudly.


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  1. ventingzebra

    i’m jealous. even though i hate ppl who walk around with their ipods. still…jealous.

    Posted January 11, 2006 at 7:39 pm | Permalink