cell phone rant rant

Originally uploaded by Pascal__.

Okay. That’s enough. I’m tired of people whining about cell phones. I just got through listening to a BBC documentary podcast aired by PRI’s Changing World series. In it there was plenty of old codgers (it is the BBC, after all) complaining that the minute someone pulls out their cell phone in public, “everyone’s space is violated.”

Oh, please.

Number one, the vast majority of people who complain about cell phones don’t have one.

I really think the reason people don’t like people who talk to cell phones in public is because it is yet another reminder that world doesn’t realize their own imagined importance. Sounds harsh, but really. “Everyone’s space is violated?” It’s public. It’s public space. It’s not like their killing kittens on the train, they are just talking about Jenny showing up with some new guy even though she hasn’t officially broke it off with Eric. The horror! People live their lives and don’t even know I exist. Nor do they care!

I think the second annoyance people have is based in only being able to hear half of the conversation. This makes their own eavesdropping more difficult and may actually require imagination. I’ve seen people become annoyed by phone conversations that they would have simply ignored if the other participant had just been there.

It seems to just be the phone itself. Jealousy, perhaps? People cringe at the sight of a cell phone much like they would if the person had whipped out a Bible and started reading it in public (I have my thoughts on that as well).

I am also intrigued by the people who are irritated when others place their phones on the table while eating. Since this happens primarily with guys they assume some modern macho comparison ritual. While this probably does happen, have you tried to pull a cell phone out of your pocket while sitting at a table and wearing low-rise vintage jeans? Difficult, to say the least. Girls have purses-much easier to retrieve.

That being said, there are a couple of annoyances that do I have.

  • Don’t talk loudly. Cell phones are pretty good these days, they’ll hear you if you talk normally.
  • I’m not irritated by cell phones going off in inappropriate places (movies, etc.) as long as you are rushing to turn off the ringer. People who casually reach down and take forever to shut the ringer off…lame.
  • A ringer should only go off in an inappropriate place once. After the first poor soul who gets a call rushes to shut off the ringer, everyone else should check their phone. Double check it, then.
  • You are the only one who thinks your obnoxious ring tone is cool. If you must have it, have it turned down low.

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  1. Leonardo

    And you know what really pisses me off?? It’s that some of the anti-cellphone radical people behind this “everyone’s space is violated” argument certainly are smokers and do smoke in public.

    Being forced to inhale fetid smoke that came out of other people’s lungs is not only unhealthy but just plain disgusting! Now that’s what I would call a violation of everyone’s space!

    Posted July 28, 2006 at 11:11 pm | Permalink
  2. cleverscreenname

    I realize my own arguments could probably be turned against me by saying this, but yeah, smoking in public sucks.

    Posted July 29, 2006 at 5:54 am | Permalink
  3. ventingzebra

    That last one about the abnoxious ring was for me wasn’t it?

    Posted July 30, 2006 at 1:39 pm | Permalink