so i spent the whole day on the verge of death

Originally uploaded by mermonkey.

Overly dramatic, yes, but every time I stood at the top of the 30 foot cliff the story my mother told about her jumping from cliffs into the Firehole River when she was a kid and how dangerous it was and a bad idea came rushing into my head. I’m being for real. So, when I jumped, I screamed to drown it out. Sorry mom. :-)

Great day.

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  1. ventingzebra

    I jumped off a cliff about a month ago and it was possibly the scariest thing I’ve done since…well, the last time I jumped off a cliff when I was 15. Somehow Acraphobia doesn’t get to me, but jumping off a 20 foot cliff does. Do heights seem higher the older you get? Where did you go jumping?

    Posted September 6, 2006 at 12:50 pm | Permalink
  2. cleverscreenname

    heck if I know. I just know it was somewhere on the TN/GA border.

    Posted September 6, 2006 at 2:41 pm | Permalink