adventures in babysitting

Flatirons HikeIt was around 10 am and I decided that I probably had enough time to change out of my pajamas.  While I was in the bathroom putting on my jeans, there is a knock on the bathroom door, “Uncle Clint?”

“Just a minute.”

Then the screaming.  It didn’t sound like painful screaming, but there still was a lot of it.  I dressed as quickly as humanly possible and hurried to find the youngest dropping rocks from the second floor landing onto the hardwood floors below while the other two looked on, screaming.  I dodged the rocks and ran upstairs to find an overturned flowerpot (which was massive and impressive that the little one managed to topple it) and the floor littered with flower-pot rocks.  The cute little kid looked up at me and dropped another rock to the screaming kids below.

I sat him down.  “We can’t throw rocks in the house (I figured outside rock throwing was a battle for another day).  Are you going to throw rocks?”  He nodded.  “But, we can’t throw rocks in the house.  Are you going to throw rocks?”  He thought for a moment, and then shook his head.  So, together we picked up the rocks and put them back into the flowerpot.

He got back at me later.  I had to change his diaper.

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  1. ashley

    tee hee…you said topple.

    Posted October 22, 2006 at 9:14 pm | Permalink