Monthly Archives: October 2006

comcast is evil Comments Off on comcast is evil

Comcast doesn’t care Originally uploaded by Steve Rhodes. No really, run by Satan this company is. I sounded a bit like Yoda there. I’m not trying to steal cable, but Comcast is making it very hard to pay for it. Here is the whole story. We moved into our new aparmtent about a month ago. […]

nothing to do with anything 3

sharp eh! Originally uploaded by Santosh Korthiwada. So this post has nothing to do with the photo, I was just strolling through Flickr looking for interesting pictures that had something to do with anything. This one doesn’t, but look at her eyes! Aren’t they amazing? Good job photographer person. I just got an email saying […]

movie review: in memorium Comments Off on movie review: in memorium

We spent about half an hour waiting for the Sidewalk short-bus to come around and pick us up so we could head over and see In Memorium before realizing that where we were going was only about 4 blocks away. We walked there in less than ten minutes. Was it worth it? Totally. In the […]