waxing political

I generally avoid political discussions because I don’t really care so much. Most of my friends are really conservative and most of the people I work with are really liberal. I fall somewhere in between (but to be honest, I find myself becoming more conservative as I get older).

I tend to avoid Bush-bashing because it has almost arrived at the point of being faddish, but I found a MSNBC clip on YouTube that pretty much sums up my criticism of Bush. I probably wouldn’t phrase it as harshly, but the gist is the same. Bush is setting some very dangerous precedents and it is scary to think of what might result.

I’m now registered to vote in Georgia.

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  1. ashley

    Hmmm…I found that clip rather interesting. he said a few things I liked and that struck me as interesting. On a non-political note, he got mad props for his sign off.

    Whenever people bring up George W., this amusing clip come to mind (well, it makes me laugh out loud..) You have probably already seen it, but just in case- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkqrI3IibYI

    Posted October 22, 2006 at 9:34 pm | Permalink
  2. cleverscreenname

    heh, devil horses…

    Posted October 23, 2006 at 5:12 am | Permalink