singled out

I went to a co-ed baby shower/barbecue last night for my friends Heather and Ryan. It wasn’t until Jey showed up that I was the only single guy there (Michael is engaged-doesn’t count). I ended up watching someone’s baby for most of the night. Really. I wasn’t opposed. I love kids. This one was cute and rarely cried (which was awesome). Afterwards I had to go buy diapers (for a church charity thing).

I’m a weird single dude.

Well, I guess that is kinda obvious.

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  1. okay, yeah- sorry about that… but you really weren’t the ONLY single guy there. Ryan’s friend Lee is single… I think. I’m pretty sure anyway… but yeah- I don’t think you’re weird. Just single. And really good with kids. And I think you’ll be a good baby daddy someday. :)

    Posted February 24, 2008 at 3:44 pm | Permalink