dear [adult swim]: please save pushing daisies

You aired Family Guy enough to have it picked back up by Fox.  You aired Futurama over and over again to the point that they regularly release straight-to-DVD movies.  Now I’m asking you to work the same watch-it-over-and-over-until-we-demand-more magic with Pushing Daisies, one of the most original series to get canceled from TV in recent memory.  Oh, and help bring back Arrested Development while you are at it.

That is all.

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  1. I LOVED that show and never new anyone else who liked it. I always seem to like the shows that get canceled and hate the ones that stick around. I mean, Worst Week, what’s that about???? Anyway, I loved Pushing Daises. Sad to see it go…

    Posted February 9, 2009 at 12:30 am | Permalink