Comments on: the creativity of youth (or i'm realizing that i'm getting more boring with time) Thu, 24 Oct 2013 05:18:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kristin Tue, 28 Sep 2010 03:23:13 +0000 Wow. Sometimes I think of myself as a writer. Reading something this ….eloquent…for lack of a better word… makes me feel very inadequate with my ‘skills’. But I can add that I was having the very same thoughts other day, though for different reasons. I have a three-year-old son. Boy does he have a great imagination. For the life of me, I have a hard time playing with him. There is NO imagination left in my brain that doesn’t involve all the horrible ways he could possibly get hurt on a daily basis…life being so fragile, him being so clumsy…and all that. I can’t remember how to build a proper fort, construct a decent sand castle and I have one, yes, only one voice change when playing with “guys” or reading books. Ha. What has happened to us??? And let me tell you, I have stopped vacuuming that floor, stopped folding that laundry and so on. Maybe us moving will help shake life up enough to get back on track with those things.

By: Jacob Sat, 18 Sep 2010 20:30:25 +0000 Great post. As that one comedian says, the best part about being an astronaut would be beating all the one-uppers. Astronaut: “Oh, you’ve met more celebrities than me? That’s neat. I’ve walked on the moon.” Other than that, though, I don’t think it really affects our happiness to be accountants instead of “space cowboys”. Although, like that recent study showed with income, it probably doesn’t have much affect on our day-to-day happiness, but does affect our evaluation of ourselves. Moon League Soccer Captain self-assessment on a scale of 1 to 10: 10. Accountant at local small business: 7.

By: Ashley Wed, 11 Aug 2010 14:57:51 +0000 Man, I had this great and witty comment all typed up, and then when I went to backsapce, it took me back a page and the comment was gone! LAME!

All I remember is that I’m supportive of imagination (said in a Spongebob voice with the arm motions to match!). It helps making mundane tasks like alphabetizing name tags or folding laundry, more bearable. Sigh. The comment was so much better the first time. Oh well.

Oh, I also remember thinking that tiny elephants would be adorable.
