the whole universe is subjective

I say this because I had a D going into my physics final and I failed my final. Really, 45%. I just checked my grade and it was a B-. What the crap? I guess I does make a little bit of sense, because my D couldn’t have gone down because of the way he does the grades, but it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Not complaining, I’m just saying.

Hmmm, I was just thinking. I think it does bother a bit on some level. Let me explain. I think it bothers be that there doesn’t seem to be many universal absolutes. I guess with absolutes I against with could measure myself and my life I could know truely where I stand. I guess I feel uncomfortable with my fate in the completely in the hands of someone else. Wow.

I can’t believe I just used Calculus to attempt to understand salvation.

I am just working through this in my head and I think I realize that I don’t really trust God that much. Let me explain. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ after all we can do. Well, looking at that sentence from a Calculus standpoint (ironic, I know) the first part is of an infinite nature while the second is not, so the second is virtually insignificant when compared to the first part. So, our salvation completely relies on Jesus. The “after all we can do” is part of the equation and can help to determine direction, but doesn’t actually take us to the outcome. I can’t believe I just used Calculus to attempt to understand salvation.

So. To quote my MTC president, I “believe in Christ, but [I] don’t believe him.” Just great. The whole atonement is a good thing, I know. Left to our own devices, we would just be damned: pointed in the right direction, but without the ability to take ourselves to the outcome.

And I was just commenting on my physics grade.