back on the triathlon wagon

I already started this post but the browser crashed. Stupid browser. I went to the rec yesterday for the first time since I got sick. It was frustrating because even though I had already gotten over it, everytime I got hot, I would have this huge coughing fit. Well, Monday I realized I hadn’t coughed all day so I decided to give it a go.

It worked out pretty good. I ran two miles and biked eight (on a stationary bike). Towards the end of the bike ride, my rear was getting a bit numb, but on a real bike it probably wouldn’t happen because you would do more standing up. My heart rate on the bike never go out of the 80s, which was weird. Granted, I wasn’t doing a very hard course on the bike program thing, but still, only in the eighties?

At the triathlon website, where I log all of this crap, they have a training schedule, which I am probably going to start following. What’s great is that under the schedule, Sunday is always one of the off days. Whoohoo.

Here is the website of the triathlon I want to do. It costs like $40 to enter. Stupid triathlons with their entry fees.

Monday, my directing class professor said we have to pitch our ideas for our final projects today. Dangit. I have an idea that could be cool depending on how I do it.

I stayed after institute talking to the bishop about random crap. It was slightly wierd, but kind of cool, too.

Tom Cherones is coming next Friday to meet with the people in our class. This will probably highly determine who he will select to get into his class in the fall. I’m going to have to blow off the tranlating job, which I feel bad about, but also dang, Tom Cherones. Our teacher told us to bring samples of some of the work we’ve done. I plan on take the music video, maybe the “signs” reinterpretation, maybe the Nauvoo doc. I don’t quite know what all I am going to take, yet.

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  1. Anonymous

    So…what do you have to swim?? About 200 yards? Have you gotten any better with that? Good luck.

    Posted March 10, 2005 at 4:25 pm | Permalink
  2. cleverscreenname

    Yep, about 200 yards. Sadly…I haven’t even worked on the swimming yet. I’ve been putting it off because I feel weird going to the rec and being the only person in the pool and sucking on top of that.

    Posted March 10, 2005 at 10:51 pm | Permalink