people suck

I really screw myself over when I assume people are as honest as I am (or try to be anyway). Some people will just screw someone else over and not really think twice. At once of my jobs someone is about to take the fall for something I am positive he didn’t do. No one cares what I think, someone needs to be blamed (the true culprit is unknown) and it is going to be this guy.

How can people be like that??? Stupid people!!!

As distrustful as I think I am of people, I probably am extremely gullible. Scratch that, I know I am.


Sorry, but this really makes me angry. I hate when I get called out on doing things (out of ignorance, mind you) things that I see other people doing. They even do things far more serious (in my opinion, at least) and nothing.

Anyone else want to screw somebody over? Might as well be me, I’m a prime target.