so, i just plain suck at swimming

I went swimming today and man do I suck. I didn’t ever get a full lap in before I started sucking water and had to stop. Good news however is that I didn’t get sick, so I guess that was a morning thing. My incredibly overpriced goggles worked wonders and didn’t leak. I did make it 3/4 of the way the first time before I had to come up. I am not that bad at backstroke but it wears me out very easily. I tried a dolphin kick and got pretty far before I had to come up. That and it is just really cool to be able to do.

I came up with an idea for my final project and man, it is pretty ambitious. My first instinct is that it will require actors of the calibre that isn’t readily available here in ‘bama, yet I think about my music video and my absolutely terrible acting and how it was still fairly effective. Besides, if I wait until I have good actors before I attempt a good movie, I’ll always be making crap.

I didn’t remember I had a media research test until an hour before the class. An I also discovered I left the review sheet in another notebook (which wasn’t with me). Well, heck.

So, I find out that the college-only Scramble must be edited with Apple iMovie. What the crap?!?!? I bought a $600 editing suite so I wouldn’t have to use programs like iMovie. I think Apple is funnelling some money into the festival so hey, play by your sponsor’s rules. I’m supposed to bike tomorrow. I think I’ll go mountain biking at Sokol Park if I get out of work in time.