art for art’s sake

According to the girl who did her director’s presentation on Monday, John Sayles once said that he is not interested in creating film art, he wants to tell stories about people. I have come to think that I am the same way.

Last night was the screening and I thinik our film did fairly well. We didn’t win any prizes (I have to admit I was a tiny bit disappointed) and there was no huge laughter from the audience, but there was laughing from almost everyone at the right times and a couple of jokes that I didn’t think would work got pretty good laughs. It seemed as though the end needed a bigger payoff, though. The computer getting thown off the building seemed…I am not sure.

There was a existential self-portrait-type film that I didn’t like at all. I have to admit that it was well done, but I decided the reason I disliked it so much was that there was no story…. I tolerate a more surrealism in art like painting because it is a static image that you can look at and contemplate, but I don’t think that film should be treated as the same thing. Well, it can be, but it is not the sort of thing that I identify with or am able to do. My brain just doesn’t work that way. It seems to be very linear.

Even in the non-film art that I like most the main theme is ordinary people or the ordinary world, especially with photography and painting. I guess the thing that draws me in is being able to feel like I am part of that and to do that, there has to be a identifiable person or image to draw me in.

I came up with something the other day, that I thought was interesting. I told someone, “I am like a Rubik’s Cube, you can’t figure it out, yet you can’t seem to put it down.”