
Yesterday we did all the principle photography for my final project – average life. I’ll post production stills eventually and maybe a behind-the-scenes thing or something. I would post the whole thing, but that disqualifies you for all sorts of film festival stuff.

I realize that when I have something big going on and stress starts to grab hold a bit all traces of personality that I have (and it is only in trace amounts) tends to fade a way. I become extremely stale and I usually am unfit for conversation.


Well, back to the movie. Blake, this guy from my directing class was the lead. He was dang good. My friend, Anthony had the other role with most of the lines of dialog and he was really good as well. Everyone was getting tired so I started cutting some shots out just so thinks would go quicker, but all in all I think it ended up okay.

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  1. Anonymous

    cooooool, a moooovie! I can’t wait to see it. So dude, when are you going to go away for the summer? Stupid people and their leaving when I’m getting back. doh!


    Posted April 19, 2005 at 5:31 pm | Permalink