not trying to be bossy

Originally uploaded by mahr.

We bought a washer and dryer through the classifieds yesterday. We followed this road to the middle of nowhere (yet I still think we were in town). When we were loading it up, the guy would give us hints on how to load it up and after everything he would say almost as a reflex, “not trying to be bossy.” We tried not to laugh. He said it, like, 30 times.

I went for a bike ride yesterday. I must have eaten five spiderwebs in a row.

I was up in Huntsville seeing Melinda, Russ, and the kids. Anna is talking a whole lot more than the last time I saw here and now everything is “mine.” You can just see the frustration in her face when Ethan picks up something, “didn’t I just tell him this thing is MINE??”

I watched “The Endless Summer” again last night. That would be the best, to go around the world doing…something and film the whole thing. Nice.