martian eight-legged vampire cows from mars!

Andrew Suffers History
Originally uploaded by Chocobot.

I am bored out of my friggin’ mind. I discovered this as I was walking to work. I was walking down some stairs at the Ferg, when midway down my thought was, “am I still walking down these stairs??”

I had just spent two class periods half-heartedly taking notes and staring out the window. Not that I wished to be outside, it was just as boring out there as it was inside, I was just wishing. I didn’t have any particular wish in mind.

The weird part about bad moods is that a part of you doesn’t want to recover from it. There is a egotistic part of us that likes the self-pity and the introspection because it thinks everyone sucks and they should all focus their attentions on you and making you feel better…and they should selfish punks.

I just checked my email and I got a job. Not a convenient we-are-going-to-pay-you job, but a job as a production assistant/grip for a country music video shoot this Saturday. Welcome to my future.

Cool, a music video shoot. According to the website, it is supposed to air on GAC and maybe CMT, but you never know with these sorts of things, I might not do anything, but hey, a real shoot. That is cool. They will be filming in HighDef, which is something I’ve never done. It shouldn’t be too much different than the MiniDv I’m used to, but then again, I haven’t done much with lighting and seeing a real lighting setup would be cool.

Dangit, now my bad mood is easing up.