new favorite song of the moment

NJ 011 mike jamie
Originally uploaded by kdero.

When our time is up
When our lives are done
Will we say we’ve had our fun

Will we make a mark this time
Will we always say we tried

Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out

“Rooftops” by lostprophets. Go buy it at the iTunes music store. Great song and even better video.

Lightning is filling the sky as I type this at the office. I’m going to stay here tonight (it’s really an apartment) and tomorrow I head out for Las Vegas until Sunday for a commercial shoot. I don’t come back until Sunday and then I go to New York next Monday to watch the film transfer.

Scream your heart out.

I am 24 and I can still identify with teenager music. Weird.

A thunderstorm is rolling over the city, feeding off the heat rising off the concrete. A couple of people attempted firecrackers before the rain and lightning scared them indoors.

Yesterday, I wrote 3 scripts for shoe commercials. Heck, they’re pretty funny if I say so myself. (and I do)