
Insanely great day
Originally uploaded by damclean.

When most people splurge they buy clothes or the expensive brand of ice cream (even though the cheap stuff is usually better. When I splurge, I buy stuff like Apple Quicktime Pro. I’m such a nerd (as if my podcasts didn’t prove that already).

New episodes are on the way, complete with new graphics. That is what I do when I get bored-design graphics for my podcast…. Nuuuuurrrrdd. Oh yeah, speaking of nerdiness, I’ve finally discovered (it seems like everyone else knew about it already) the cartoon podcast, Channel Frederator. I watched one random episode and now I am going back and starting at the begining. Some are mild, some are wild, most are hilarious. Timmy the Nature Boy (episode 6) left me rolling (more like spazzing) with laughter.

With my boss gone on vacation for a few weeks, my life has gone from 70mph to a school-zone 15mph. Not that there aren’t things to do, mind you. There just isn’t as much to do as before. One of my priorities is simply being by the phone in case someone calls needing a demo reel sent out. They call; I send. I also am prepping to shoot a commercial in the next few weeks as well as shoot background plates (footage that goes in the background) for a green-screen commercial we shot a couple of weeks ago.

When I finally get things sorted out, my video podcast will be in iTunes (it was, but it was using the wrong feed, yadda yadda).

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  1. Anonymous

    hehe, you nerd. I’m trying to think of something nerdy I’ve bought on impulse..I know I have.

    Last night I had a dream that I bought a new trumpet. That’s nerdy. Weird.


    Posted July 14, 2006 at 10:29 am | Permalink
  2. cleverscreenname

    um…how about your gamecube with donkey konga?

    Posted July 14, 2006 at 10:34 am | Permalink