famous people are like cookies

I’m not sure exactly how, but I’m sure there is a metaphor there somewhere.

I’m not really one to get star-struck, but then again, I’ve never seen a “star.” The closest I have come to was to shake hands with one of the Mormon Apostles. I think he was taken aback by my (at the time) yellow hair. Maybe I would get a little star struck. Our executive producer, Emilie, used to work in LA on music videos, movies, and a TV show or two (actually, just one). I unfortunately never can stump her on indie movies and music. I was listening to that “Lazy Eye” song a couple of months ago in the office (before radio play, thank you very much) and I heard her pipe up from the other room. “Is this Silversun Pickups?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Cool,” she said matter-of-factly, “I knew those guys in LA, they would do small jobs for us to make a little money on the side.”

“You knew Silversun Pickups.”

“Yeah, they were pretty cool.”

I sighed and was impressed.

The biggest vicarious starstruck moment I got was when Emilie mentioned that she was John August’s assistant. Yes. The John August. Of http://www.johnaugust.com. Writer of Go, Big Fish, The Nines, Corpse Bride, etc. I even confirmed it on his blog. I actually got star struck…because someone that I work with used to work for someone that I knew.

Starstruckedness is weird. There will be several C, B and a few A-list celebrities on the TV show in LA and I wondered, would I be starstrucked? Would I have to be told to stop staring? I doubt it, but why in the heck are people even prone to being struck by the stars? I read this article about a study involving monkeys and celebrities and celebrity monkeys, but I got bored midway through. Something about faces and success and monkeys. Why is it always monkeys? Why not badgers?

Celebrity badgers.

What were we talking about?

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  1. sarah

    Yeah. Dakota Fanning was on my flight from Australia to L.A. She just got finished shooting Charlotte’s Web. I was like, WOAH, cool! I should get her autograph!!! But then I was like, wait, she’s 11….and on the plane like, 5 of her movies were options to watch and I was like, woah, she’s on this plane somewhere. COOL. And I stood behind her in customs…but yeah, she was 11, so I didn’t say anything, lol.

    Posted August 17, 2007 at 11:34 am | Permalink
  2. Kim

    You know, I don’t think I’d get star struck. I feel that some don’t need to have their heads any bigger, some that just need to be left alone and others that are plain down to earth people with a really really good job and I believe that all of them deserve their privacy, but on the other hand, I would like to say “you know what, I met so and so” but “star struck” I wouldn’t be.

    When I was in middle school and this is going to sound retarded but I pretended to be star struck when I met Betty White from the Golden Girls because everyone else in my group was and really I was thinking you guys are retarded. Why would I want to be friends with people who are star struck for Betty White? I have nooooo idea, needless to say I wasn’t friends with them for very long.

    But Clint, if you get famous I’ll be star struck for you :)

    Posted August 17, 2007 at 1:20 pm | Permalink
  3. Ashley Aynes

    I don’t know. What were we talking about?

    Posted August 17, 2007 at 1:27 pm | Permalink
  4. Umm, so I think star struckness is weird too. But I won’t lie…I have been before. But in my defense..I was youngish. It was the first time I met *N Sync (stop judging…) But I totally did – I couln’t think of anything to say or do…I just stood there in awe. I think there was just so much hype around them, that when I met them I was like how did I pull this off?! But I met them again and it was nothing. It was also nothing to meet Sister Hazel, or be in the same place as another famous person.

    But then that time I saw Sir James Galway preform, I got all kinds of star stuck. And I didn’t even meet him. I don’t get it.

    Celebrity Badgers. HA!

    Posted August 17, 2007 at 3:10 pm | Permalink
  5. Kim

    so who exactly is going to be on the show? Can you tell us?

    I see you changed your blog….cool

    Posted August 18, 2007 at 1:26 pm | Permalink
  6. Clint

    We actually aren’t sure who will be on the show, yet.

    Posted August 21, 2007 at 6:43 am | Permalink
  7. Clint, I love your blog.

    I saw Brittney Spears when I was in California. I admit, I got back to my Aunt’s house and blabbed the whole thing, and called my Mom and told everyone at work. But then it was over. It’s amazing how quickly being star struck dies.

    Posted August 24, 2007 at 1:12 am | Permalink
  8. see, i would like to think i wouldn’t be starstruck… but if i saw someone famous i think i’d try and snap a photo of them or something because then i’d have proof that i saw so and so, proof for who? Me? other people who could possibly think i was cooler for it? i don’t know. but since we’re all sort of bragging about the one (or more) famous person we’ve met, i met Howard Jones. The musician. from the 80’s. “Everlasting Love”? ring a bell anyone? Ha, ha! mine sucks.

    Posted August 28, 2007 at 11:39 am | Permalink