what do you do when you hate your own industry?

I really kind of do. I hate what it does to the people who work in it. I hate what can do to the people who watch it. The one thing I don’t hate (sometimes) is the end product. I love “Heroes”, “Lost”, and “24” has its moments. I love watching a really good movie from Netflix. But I hate seeing how many people smoke in LA because they either want to stay thin just in case they get a part (which they won’t), or because they work in production and the stress of it drives them to smoke.

I hate how entire buildings are covered in an ad for the new season of Dexter (which may or may not be a good show, I don’t know). I hate how everyone here secretly (or not so secretly) wants to be on TV. I hate how there is nothing in Hollywood that implies that people have a life other than TV, movies, music, fashion, or food. Every building in Hollywood is either a music store, talent agency, clothing store, post/production company, or restaurant. Does anyone ever go camping? Does anyone even paint their own pottery. Lame, I know, but come on, does anyone even have a hobby? (No, LA Fitness doesn’t count).

I admit I came to LA with a prejudice and I honestly haven’t seen enough of even the area I am in to make a real judgment, but still. The entertainment industry is kinda horrible. We are so conditioned to worship these TV and movie stars but we don’t realize that they a just people that are no different from the people we have around except for the fact they are so weathered by life that they are a tired, sad individuals surrounded by a layer of politeness. Few people seem happy here. Life is passing everyone by as they wait for their next big break. Turn off your TV and spend time with your family. Go for a walk. Go camping.

But TiVo “Heroes”, because I am going to want to talk about it with someone.

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  1. PHEW! Man… I feel better now that you got that off your chest. Now hurry up and finish and get your booty home! And cheer up a little… just be greatful for the knowledge you DO have and that you’re at peace with the things you know to be true in your life. It’s discouraging to see so many people with out that, but good to know that you have it.

    Posted October 1, 2007 at 8:36 am | Permalink
  2. Oh, camping in the fall!! Come home and we will go – and it won’t suck!!

    Is it bad if I already have a countdown going until the 25th?!

    And you and your swanky TiVo…I still use my VCR and a blank six hour tape… I’m so retro!

    Posted October 1, 2007 at 9:23 am | Permalink