books must be laced with crack

My job is so boring so I went to the library to get some books on tape so I can listen to them (since I am looking through a microscope the whole time, reading them isn’t really an option). Anyway, I got to the library and I didn’t want to leave. Actually I did want to leave but I wanted to take all the books with me and find a really soft cushy rocking chair that has one of those insulated arms you can keep cocoa in. I had forgotten how much I love books. Having seen just textbooks for so long I forgot that textbooks are the evil book-servants of Satan and are not representative of the book population as a whole.

I watched the OC last night (when I should have been studying for my physics test) and I really didn’t see what the big deal was all about. It was kind of boring. I kept switching it over to something else. I don’t remember what the something else was, so it must not have been all that great either.

I’m thinking about not taking a computer science class next semester – I’m kind of burnt out on the whole thing.

People who sing love songs should be drug out into the street and shot – or at least recieve a stern talking-to. They are full of crap and that is just bad news all around.

I have to go brush my teeth and go get my GPA slaughtered by a physics test.