stupid hobbitses

Well, thanks to listening to The Hobbit on tape at work I dreamed about hobbits, dwarves, treasure, and caves last night. Although I did find it odd that some of the caves look remarkedly like the crawlspace under my house that I went through to install a cable line a couple of weeks ago. Dreams are weird.

I can see our rabbit out the window. It isn’t our rabbit; it is just some rabbit that came around and stayed, which is weird because we don’t feed it or anything.

I registered for classes next semester. It took WAY too long. Organizing the classes sucked. The good thing is that I was able to fit pretty much everything on Tuesday and Thursday and I don’t have classes on Friday (whoohoo!). I wanted to take a 1-credit hour scuba diving class, but I couldn’t fit it into my schedule. Dangit.

I haven’t been really going to stuff for a week or so because I’ve just been needing to be by myself to decompress and figure some stuff out. The girl I ended things with thinks apparantly I’ve gone nuts and sends me an occaisional worried email. For the most part I’ve ignored them because I’m not ready to talk to her again yet and also she needs some time without me so she can be used to the fact that I am no longer a major part of her life. The emails suggests that she hasn’t come to that realization yet. Harsh, maybe, but since this isn’t going to work, we both need to move on and it doesn’t look as though she is. I think she thinks I made a rash descision in a moment of slight insanity or panic (man these posts really make me sound crazy, huh?) and that I’ll come to my senses or something. So I guess she is holding out hope and I guess my thinking (however erroneous it may be) is that the less I am around her the sooner she’ll realize that it’s over over.