my life without me

Today was the longest day.
Not that there was a whole lot of work, but I was on campus from 9am until 8pm with only two half-hours where I didn’t have anything. By not having anything, that doesn’t include walking across campus. Yadda yadda.

In my directing class, we all wrote a personal anecdote that included an intense emotion. I chose one from high school. The teacher picked four and distributed them out to groups in class and we are supposed to build a scene from them. The guy chose mine as one of the four. I was jazzed because I thought mine was a good story. Well, today they used that situation (nobody was told whose story was whose) to do an improvisational scene. It is incredibly weird to have a moment from your life shown to you by someone else. It is doubly weird to have them do it again with the direction of “now chastise her.” I am just glad I didn’t have to act it.

After they did that scene and taped it he had this other girl and I act out another scene. Well, I learned that acting is freaking hard and I hate me on camera. Yet there is a part of me that wants to be able to do it well. Also the girl fell out of her chair before the scene. They taped that, too. It was dang funny.

Darn Lost for being so darn addictive and cliff-hanger-y and hawaii-ish. Good thing I have a TV card and can record it.