on the edge of life

Yesterday something happened that was a good thing, but it was strange anyway. I had my last therapy session. We both agreed that, at least for now, there is nothing else I need his help with. Things are actually going very well now.

I got a second job manning the equiptment room in the TCF department, which is great because I’ll be in Reese Phifer more-around the right people more. I’ve pretty much accepted that my life’s timescale will probably be a bit different than most other people. Stuff like marriage will probably only come about if and when I leave Alabama and that will be a while. My classes look like they are going to be great. I am actually excited about them. Things are actually going pretty good. Huh, weird.

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  1. Anonymous

    In anser to your title and speaking from experience – When Dad and I were going to college, we couldn’t wait until we were through…then we couldn’t wait until we owned our own home…it seems we missed a lot of our lives looking forward and not enjoying the present. Try to enjoy the now. (This is not the eat, drink and be merry variety :)
    It’s a beautiful day. Faith is accompanied by hope. You are loved.

    Posted January 10, 2005 at 10:18 am | Permalink