all talk and no play

I realized this week that I had been telling everyone about the New York internship, but I actually had done nothing towards making it a reality. So, yesterday I asked a couple of my professors for letters of recommendation and I started writing my Professional Statement, which blows. I rewrote my resume to emphasize film-ish stuff.

I realized that I am a huge creature of habit. It the lab where I work, I listen to books on tape. I only work for two hours and one tape, front and back, is almost two hours. There was an increadibly scanky part in one book and instead of fast-forwarding or stopping, I listened to it just so it wouldn’t through off the timing and I have nothing to listen too or only listen to part of a tape. My complacent OCD bugs me.

I watched Motorcycle Diaries this week with Anthony. It was really good. The cinematography was amazing, especially the black and white “living stills.” It made a bit homesick for South America.

I also went and saw Hotel Rwanda with Garrett. We went to the 10:45 showing, so I was already tired to begin with. It was a great movie, but I think it could have been slightly better. They could have taken advantage of the medium more, as the cinematography is realatively plain and straightforward.

The dance last night was actually a bit better than I expected. Anthony has to bail early and left me to DJ for a while, but I was constantly pulling people over asking them what I should play next. I saw Mark grimace and leave the room when I played Eminem’s “Just Loose It.” Heh.