triathlon delusion training entry #1

So after researching it for about half an hour on a bored Saturday afternoon I decided that I want to run a triathlon (which of course I have added to my 100things). So I guess this is the first training journal entry. It’s not going to be a good one, unfortunately.

I decided to tell some people in the hope that by telling them, it would put pressure on me to actually do it, and it worked to some degree. It even gave me a partner in crime (for at least the swimming part). I found out that Garrett swims about twice a week at the Rec. I decided to meet up with him at the Rec the next (this) morning.

Well, that was great, the only problem is I forgot that I can’t work out in the mornings-I get sick. I figured since my stomach is a million times better now, it wouldn’t be such a problem. Fat-fricking-chance.

I showed up before Garrett and after waiting for him a bit I decided to do a couple laps. I got in an went under. Now, I’ve always had a bit of a fear reflex when it comes to water, but I’d been practicing a couple months ago and had come a long way. Well, this morning I couldn’t stay under for more than a couple seconds. Not a good sign. I did a backstroke lap and was out of breath (understandably). I tried a breathing exercise with my face underwater, but I was too winded. I waited for a few minutes and was going to try a freestyle lap. Didn’t happen. I left the pool and headed straight for the bathroom. It wasn’t even a good vomit. There was no endorphin rush which I think is nature’s attempt to make up for being such a jerk in such situations. So, I learned that there is no way in heck I can work out in the mornings. The only thing I’ve been able to do in the mornings is jog so I might start doing that in the mornings and other stuff in the evenings.

Frustration has not won out, however! My stubborness is carrying me back to the rec this evening to try again when my stomach has been historically stable. I wanted to go in the mornings because it is so packed at night, but hey, you do what you gotta do. Also I think more people probably use the pool in the mornings anyway. It is kind of a morning thing to do.

The thing I kind of wonder now is what do I do since triathlons start early in the mornings? When I was swimming a few months ago, I would go at eleven or so, so I guess my stomach just needs a few hours to settle and I could wake up really early or something.