
So, the other day my commercial writing professor was talking about a girl who graduated last May. That summer she got an internship with the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (the same one I am trying to get – except mine is documentary and hers was series production or whatever). Anyway, two weeks into the internship, the production company asked her if she wanted to come on full time.

Towards the end of the summer, she emailed her professors back at UA talking about the “little show” they were working on and how they “hoped it did well.”

The show: Desperate Housewives.

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  1. Anonymous

    I LOVE that show!!!! It just started here and it’s great! I love Monday night’s at 8:30! woohoo! It sucks though, cause when i go back, I’ll have this big chunk of shows that I’ll miss. doh. Yeah, you should really try to get that internship!

    Posted March 3, 2005 at 4:55 am | Permalink