mesa on my mind (translated- “table on my head”)

It’s been raining today. It has gotten pretty heavy at times (at least for around here). In spite of the rain, I decided to go for a drive up Green Canyon and see Mesa Falls.

The drive was pleasant-rainy, but pleasant. I snapped a couple of photos with my camera of the upper falls. As I was walking back from the falls, I was realizing that I’m going to have a great summer. It was cool but not cold. The rain was heavy, but not soaking. There was unmelted snow in patches all over. Whispy fog-clouds drifted around the falls (I’ll upload the couple pictures I took when I get to a computer that has a USB port – this one doesn’t).

Last night I discovered that my grandparents are fans of Survivor and also a show I least expected – Lost. When I heard them talking about the show, I perked up in amazement and also in intrigue since down home there are very few people that watch it. Since they get good ratings, I was always wondering who watched it – apparantly people in Idaho. Grandpa seems to have the same assumption as I that the dangers on the island (with the execption of maybe the strangers) aren’t real but are visual manifestations based on the castaway’s fears. I personally don’t even think the pilot (you know the one who got eaten by the monster) was real.

Lost aside, we watched the whole Survivor finale last night occasionally spouting comments about strategy or whether the contestants were being genuine or not. The ending was satisfying and we went to bed.

Grandma is going to enter a children’s book writing contest. I think that is a good idea. I’ve enjoyed her children’s books I read in the past.

I went to Rexburg today to do my shopping. I bought more tapes, another memory card (256MB whoohoo!), black shoes for work, paid my parking ticket, stamps, etc…. I went by the new distribution center (which is much, much larger than the old one) and picked up among other things some thermal underroos. I have to admit, the only difference seems to be that they are longer, the material seems to be the same. Whatever. So I have enough in my bank account now to get a motel room Wednesday, buy a tank of freakishly expensive gas ($2.39), and eat. I haven’t spent any of my cash, yet, so that ought to keep me fine until my first paycheck.