
Originally uploaded by lonely radio.

I got a call from the music video people, the shoot was cancelled because someone fell and is in the hospital in Birmingham.

I am not glad that someone is in the hospital, but this is probably a good thing for me at the moment. I have a paper due on Monday with which I am not even close to being through, I have a computer test on Monday that I need to study for, and … I don’t have a third reason, but those are pretty good.

Have you ever been completely taken aback by someone? I mean you are walking along, minding your own business (which is very interesting, of course, because you are an important person) and then someone walks by and everything is completely wiped from your mind…except them. After a moment you come to yourself and realize that you are staring, you try to recover, but…not always successfully. Sometimes you drop things. This time I didn’t. I was amazed that I didn’t drop my lunch tray. When I got over my amazement at my lack of clutz, I remembered the girl, looked around and saw her sitting down…right across from where my stuff was. Holy crap. She was sitting on the other side of a bar where I was sitting divided by a glass panel. I returned to sit with my friend. Throughout our conversation I kept trying to see where she was looking. Finally I decided it wasn’t at me, but I still stole a glance every once in a while.

She finished, walked away and eventually so did I.

I walked to the library to find some books for this terrible report that I am writing. I was typing at a search terminal and saw a familiar hoodie walk by. It was her! All I could do was watch her walk through the sensors and out the door.

It’s dangerous when such a situation happens while driving.