
I wasn’t raised in an urban area. To those who know me, this is obvious, but it is amazing what living in Atlanta for only two weeks will do to you:

  1. You consider bumper to bumper cars on the Interstate at 20 mph is “bad traffic”, at 50 mph is “light traffic” and 70 mph is “no traffic”.
  2. You get an enormous sense of luck upon finding a parking lot that only charges $3.
  3. You become annoyed that the street hustler on the corner is blocking your view of cross traffic at an intersection.
  4. You chuckle to yourself at the reaction of two men at being rushed by a harmless local vagrant.
  5. You become excited when you get quarters as change so you can use them at the toll booth.
  6. You start to identify the ladies from the suburbs by their white-knuckle grasp on their purse.
  7. You become temporarily disoriented upon finding something/somewhere that doesn’t take Visa.

Wow, a lot of those were traffic related.

I hate cars.