nothing to do with anything

sharp eh!
Originally uploaded by Santosh Korthiwada.

So this post has nothing to do with the photo, I was just strolling through Flickr looking for interesting pictures that had something to do with anything. This one doesn’t, but look at her eyes! Aren’t they amazing? Good job photographer person.

I just got an email saying my Cingular bill is ready to be paid. (sigh) Being an adult.

But! But! Something that will make that Cingular bill lose a little of its sting. (hehe, I said “but”. no time to laugh about that now!) My boss hired me on permanent! Hooray!! Not getting paid alot, but I am getting paid enough. The coolest part of this job is that I usually do quite the variety of things.

I think I am going to eat some honeydew.

So even though I’ve been here for about four months and have an apartment, getting a permanent job makes me feel even more like I am here now. It was weird a couple of weeks ago when my Dad introduced me as “My son, Clint, from Atlanta.” I thought “what?”, but immediately afterward, I realized, that I was from Atlanta. Weird.

My boss is endlessly amused by the fact that I am a Mormon.

This is illustrated by today. My boss was in charge of the iced coffee booth at the Atlanta Greek Festival and being his assistant meant that I also was manning the booth. I actually enjoyed this. It was fun using the mixer and making the coffee all frothy and I’m into the diversity of things to do, remember? Anyway. I was to pick up a volunteer badge to get in to the festival free. My boss had mine made up, Clint Mormonopoulos. Which I thought was funny until I had to buy tickets to get a gyro and the lady was trying to get me to ask in Greek (these darn kids and their not knowing their culture!) and I had to go through this big long thing about how the name was fake, but no, the badge wasn’t fake, just the name…etc. The gyro was freakin’ awesome, though.

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  1. heidiluxe

    i always wanted a greek last name. my goal was to find a stephanopolous. and not george stephanopolous. it was hard explaining to some of friends who that was(a bunch of geniuses). simpson is pretty close to greek though. not really.

    Posted October 10, 2006 at 1:33 pm | Permalink
  2. Anonymous

    So you are the only person in the whole U of A associated with triathlon according to google, so we were wondering if the school has a tri team to host the planned 2007 collegiate national triathlon championship?

    Posted October 11, 2006 at 2:26 pm | Permalink
  3. cleverscreenname

    Sorry to be lame, but my posts on triathalons were from last year when I was convinced I wanted to do a triathalon…I’m over it.

    As far as I know UA doesn’t have a tri team, but I haven’t been on campus in about 4 months, so I could be wrong.

    Posted October 11, 2006 at 2:31 pm | Permalink