as long as I get to wear a monocle

So after the most active dating year I’ve ever had, I’m realizing that my specs for a relationship might be so prohibitive as to narrow the number of potential suitors to about, well, .2, and those ain’t good odds.  So, in light of my confirming bachelorhood, I’m been mulling the type of C.B. that I should be.

Type 1: The Serial Dater

Alright, who's next?

I could be the guy who’s always on a date with someone, but never “dating someone”.  I’d go on a date with just about everyone once – drawing the line only for those who refuse to use their real names (or people with hotmail accounts).  Short, tall, fat, skinny, bald, hairy, smart, dumb, boring, cool, or even plain average, I’m up for at least dinner and a movie.

Type 2: The Unabomber

Just ask me what I think about corporations.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I could become a hermit and completely shut myself off from society.  This plan includes having a blog behind several layers of anonymizing proxies where I denounce the government for not disclosing everything they know about UFOs.  Only my close friends and family know my exact coordinates, which show up blurred on Google Maps satellite photos.

Type 3: The ATL => CDG => BLR => NRT

What do you mean, the peanuts aren't free?

Someone in every (air)port? I could be a world traveler who’s Facebook status is just airport codes and dates, who’s Flickr stream is full of images from places that no one has ever heard of (or cares about), and who’s blog reads like it belongs next to a Lonely Planet guide. I could develop a permanent farmer’s tan from riding on the tops of crowded buses in interior and start speaking with an indeterminable accent (is he British? …maybe German?)

Type 4: The Active(ish)ist

Wait, what's happening with these youths again?

Wait, what's happening with these youths again?

I could devote my life to whatever cause is most important to me at the moment.  Blankets for the earthquake victims!  Water for the drought sufferers!  Food for the hungry!  Medicine for the disease stricken!  Freedom for the oppressed!  Chinese government = bad! Hugs for the snuggleless! Etc.

Type 5: The Crotchety Old Man Overly Concerned About His Yard

Just a quick nap before the 5 o'clock news.

Hmm… I think we might have a winner.

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  1. Carrie

    Hey, now. There is nothing wrong with hotmail.

    Posted March 8, 2011 at 11:25 pm | Permalink
  2. Clint

    I can’t agree with you there, Carrie.

    Posted March 8, 2011 at 11:51 pm | Permalink
  3. I vote for serial crotchety activ(ish)ist. I’ve kinda been doing the dating thing the past few weeks, and it’s refreshing, in a way. Too many to get caught up in any one person inordinately. Of course, all have been under the understanding that it’s a friendly meeting because I’m not really looking for and maybe not ready for something romantic, just expanding social circles to see what’s out there that I haven’t tapped. …into…tapped into.

    And not so many that I’m pulling my hair out. 1 or 2 newbies a week, with repeated “dates” with each of them. I’ll hang out once or twice with anyone I think I could potentially connect with on some level even if I’m pretty sure we won’t be besties or have any attraction.

    Meanwhile, I’ve been really wanting to move into my own place with my own little yard and nestle in…maybe get involved in some worthwhile volunteer efforts again finally…so…I guess my vote is really for what _I_ should be. Nevermind my vote. Thank you for this space in which to articulate my self-absorbed explorations. So helpful.

    Posted March 10, 2011 at 3:31 pm | Permalink