some people should throw away their mirrors

What the crap? I think I am watching the only worthwhile show that MTV has made in a while. I am watching the True Life about plastic surgery. It follows two girls who are just fine, beautiful and the morons are getting plastic surgery. One girl is actually getting lipo. There is not freaking need for her to get lipo. The other girl is going in for a nose job and the doctor tries to talk her into getting lipo, too. At lease she has the willpower to tell him know. Stupid guy probably planted a nice seed of doubt though.

The other girl they follow is morbidly obese and gets gastric bypass. Her’s I believe is justifiable since she is doing it primarily for health reasons (although she admits the cosmetic effects wouldn’t be an unwelcome change). The other person followed by the doc is this dude who gets calf implants. The guy is ripped, but he wants calf implants. What the crap??? The two girl’s ambitions are to be in Playboy or “get a boyfriend.” What is wrong with people???

People have insecurities about their bodies, I understand. I have them, but geez. If you honestly believe that bump on your nose or that your small calf muscles are going to make a difference, then actually the people you are hoping to attract will probably notice, too. I hope you are very happy together (but you won’t be).

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  1. Anonymous



    Posted January 22, 2005 at 4:17 pm | Permalink
  2. Anonymous

    I JUST got your comment which means we are online at the same time! WOW. Too bad I don’t have MSN. I’d get it now, but I’m not on my computer.

    Posted January 22, 2005 at 8:01 pm | Permalink