checkered flag

checkersIt took me all evening, but I am finally done with the step show edit.  I officially hate editing with particular emphasis audio and color correcting.  It’s rendering now, so all that is left is building the DVD, printing the case and disc labels, and shipping those suckers off to Al-A-Bama.  I’ll be happy when this job is over with so I can maybe have some time to write something.  Although I’m sure to come up with some other excuse not to.

Hooray.  I’m tired.

I found out that it looks as though I’ll be getting a parking pass for work.  It is sad how exciting that is for me.  No really, I’m stoked.  I am thinking about getting a bike (a road bike, my mountain bike is unpleasant to ride on pavement), leaving my car at work during the week (because I sometimes need it for work) and riding a bike to work.  Let’s see if that really happens.

Since it is possible that the University will discontinue my account after a graduate (which is officially in December), I uploaded my old blog to the new server.  If Blogger Beta didn’t suck so bad, then I could have imported all my old posts into the new blog, but alas such is not the case.

The render is 75% done.  Time for bed.