it’s official: i’m boring

I’ve been finding that it is very hard to come up with topics to blog about. Yeah, sure I like my job and it can be pretty interesting, but I avoid blogging about work to avoid, you know, unemployment. My weeknights are generally spent eating, watching an hour or two of TV and then sleeping. Weekends are spent with friends decompressing from the week itself and laughing at horse’s rear ends (short story, but I don’t come off in a very good light, so I am going to skip it). Remember when I had pretty deep insights from the randomest of events? Remember when the posts were thought out and well written? Remember?

Since when did I become so boring? I mean I just wrote a post about Linux. LINUX! How amazingly lame is that?!? The saddest thing is that was the only thing I could think about. What happened to the introspection? I could spend paragraphs analyzing myself and, gosh darnit, I liked it! What happened to the criticism of films and poplular culture? I had a brief love affair with 24 this season, yet no word of it graced the pages of my electronic journal. It was a passionate love affair, too. I mean, I would watch an episode and gasp when a plot twist would occur. I mean, verbally gasp, yet no passing mention was preserved in hypertext.

Did I talk about the Muse concert I went to a couple of weeks ago? No. Did I mention its awesomeness? Did I analyze the feelings of oldness I felt when My Chemical Romance took the stage. I used to like them. I mean, I wrote about liking them and everything!

Do I fear that my blog has gotten too public so I avoid talking about anything too personal and have fallen into the extreme of not blogging about anything at all (Linux, I mean really). I don’t think that is the case because I have always published the address of my blog. I’ve always tried to be very open and honest. So what gives? Should I pledge to revitalize my blog? To post interesting essays and happenings from the average life that is mine?


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  1. um…join the club


    Posted May 9, 2007 at 10:04 pm | Permalink
  2. Horses rear ends are always funny. Any weekend that involves something like that has to be freaking awesome!! :)

    Posted May 9, 2007 at 11:01 pm | Permalink
  3. I feel the same way, Clint. I just haven’t felt like sharing on my blog for several weeks now. I’m started to get a little worried that it’s really because I just don’t have any intellectual brain activity going on lately.

    That’s not good.

    Let’s both try to revitalize our blogs, okay?

    Posted May 9, 2007 at 11:22 pm | Permalink
  4. kay

    if you can write a blog about being boring and IT’s not boring….

    Posted May 10, 2007 at 7:23 am | Permalink
  5. Ashley Aynes

    “Remember when I had pretty deep insights from the randomest of events? Remember when the posts were thought out and well written? Remember?”


    Kidding…please, be more interesting. It’s the only contact I have with you anymore and I was beginning to think you’d lost “it.”

    Posted May 10, 2007 at 10:35 am | Permalink
  6. sarah

    Yeah, I’m always like, what is going on in Clint’s life?? But then, here I am checking you out, and I don’t know Clint, I just don’t know (what’s going on). I liked this post though. It was super fun. Write more like this. :)

    Posted May 10, 2007 at 11:27 am | Permalink
  7. Oh, by the way — I just want to remind you that I invited you to do some very fine things the past two weeknights. A party on Wednesday and a Q & A thing with Francis Ford Coppola at GA State.

    You passed on those of your own free will. You could’ve done something besides sit and watch TV . . . just remember that — you do have opportunities not to be bored. Or boring. Or whatever . . .

    Posted May 10, 2007 at 10:18 pm | Permalink