Monthly Archives: September 2006

so, let me wallow in self pity for a sec 3

nooooooooooooooooooooooo Originally uploaded by torontofotobug. Sucky things going on in the last two weeks: I had a tire blow in the freeway. I had to buy two new tires (expensive). Tomorrow was the latest I was going to find out if I have a real job. Now, it is next Monday at the earliest. I […]

so i spent the whole day on the verge of death 2

tar_creek_turn Originally uploaded by mermonkey. Overly dramatic, yes, but every time I stood at the top of the 30 foot cliff the story my mother told about her jumping from cliffs into the Firehole River when she was a kid and how dangerous it was and a bad idea came rushing into my head. I’m […]