Category Archives: Essays

Personal essays written in narrative style.

the sound of crunching numbers 1

I walked into the lobby of the large skyscraper. An enormous window towered several stories above of me. I had just come down the elevators from one of the largest advertising agencies in the country. Our executive producer had spoken with them the previous day and they had requested the reels of our directors, the […]

intercom 3

The Intercom We Never Use, For Fear of It., originally uploaded by Zach Klein. The light blinked on the concierge desk intercom. “I mean, I’m tired of her!” a beautiful twenty-something said to the forty-something who used to be a beautiful twenty-something. The concierge picked up the phone and called her manager because of the […]

hitching a ride 2

The Hitchhiker, originally uploaded by taylorkoa22. “Excuse me?” I heard someone say from behind me. I knew it was the woman who was sitting on the front porch of my apartment building. As I passed her on my way to my car, I gave her the half smile that was the most my face couple […]

projecting 1

David’s GPS insisted that we continue on the Interstate, but a quick glance at the hand-written directions confirmed that it was our exit. David put on the blinker and merged right. “Turn around,” the GPS complained, “turn around.” We’d been driving for about forty-five minutes and were now surrounded by the trees and fields that […]

gun 4

I was sitting in the Elder’s Quorum of church barely paying attention. Unfortunately, like many guys my age I found Elder’s Quorum to be the slowest part of church. The instructor was doing his best to adapt the family-oriented lesson to his exclusively single class, but few people were buying it. I wondered how long […]