Category Archives: Random

Anything that doesn’t fit anywhere else.

conversation with myself in the midst of my most recent mental breakdown 3

“You’re kinda pathetic.” “No, really pathetic.  Sending a drunk dial email to your ex last night was probably one of the stupidest things you’ve done.” “Really stupid, and you don’t even drink.  He’s probably glad he dodged your crazy ***.” “I wish I could dodge myself.  So it’s confirmed, I’m going to die old, crazy, […]

what mormon movies and queer cinema have in common 4

This year, I watched seven out of the ten nominees for the Academy Award for Best Picture and I remember thinking how good the vast majority were.  The King’s Speech was fantastic, The Social Network was masterfully done, and even Inception was a huge achievement.  (Don’t even get me started on True Grit.)  But, for […]

on being a single father 2

About a year ago, I rented Martian Child from Netflix.  In it, a middle-aged single writer reaches a certain age and, not having found someone to start a family with, adopts a kid on his own.  My interest in the movie stemmed from the thought of someday doing the same sort of thing.  I was […]

sample user names to convince my friend to use twitter 3

My friend, Brooke, is a … biostatistician?  epidemiologist?  I don’t know, something with AIDS.  In an effort to convince her to use Twitter, I came up with a few sample usernames she could adopt. (that’s nine o’s) and finally:

scary movies Comments Off on scary movies

Once when I was a kid, I had a nightmare about being chased by Jason from the Friday the 13th movies. The dream was completely inacurate, because I had never seen Friday the 13th, or even knew what Jason looked like. My entire experience with the film had been the VHS movie case at my […]