Monthly Archives: March 2005

don’t sign me up for sainthood yet 3

So I talked to my dad about the whole “doing shoots on Sunday” thing. He brought out some good points that threw me right back on the fence. I guess my biggest concern would be the fact that by working in the industry I am bound to pick up some bad habits. I as worried […]

i don’t recant, but i do revise Comments Off on i don’t recant, but i do revise

So, I was just thinking about my little rant and I started thinking about something that I did recently at work (not malicious, just bonehead) that if I were made to live with the consequences, I would be royally boned. So things are not quite as evil as they initially appear.

people suck Comments Off on people suck

I really screw myself over when I assume people are as honest as I am (or try to be anyway). Some people will just screw someone else over and not really think twice. At once of my jobs someone is about to take the fall for something I am positive he didn’t do. No one […]

let me get this on the record now 1

Stupid being Mormon. Stupid going to Institute. Stupid, stupid, stupid!! Well, not really, but it can make for some difficult decisions. So, the Seinfeld guy, right? Well, his class is in the fall and it looks good for me to get in. So what happens is, they condense the class into 3 weeks, shooting when, […]

so, i just plain suck at swimming Comments Off on so, i just plain suck at swimming

I went swimming today and man do I suck. I didn’t ever get a full lap in before I started sucking water and had to stop. Good news however is that I didn’t get sick, so I guess that was a morning thing. My incredibly overpriced goggles worked wonders and didn’t leak. I did make […]