Author Archives: Clint

I’m Clint. This is my blog.

is that an iphone in your pocket or are you…no, seriously, is that an iphone? 1

I have an irrational hatred of greetings cards.  Wait, it’s not irrational, greeting cards have some of the worst writing in all of creativity (and I’m including that commercial for built-to-order metal sheds that plays constantly on broadcast TV that I’m suddenly watching again for some reason).  Given this deep-seated loathing, it’s completely expected that […]

my thoughts on the oscar best picture nominated movies 1

A few weeks ago, I unwittingly co-hosted an Oscar party. Like all good Oscar parties, it was filled with snarkiness, Twitter, Niki Lemley, and brie.  Since the 10-12 people in attendance weren’t enough of an audience, apparently, I’ve decided to share my thoughts on the Best Picture nominees with the world.   Black Swan I […]

as long as I get to wear a monocle 3

So after the most active dating year I’ve ever had, I’m realizing that my specs for a relationship might be so prohibitive as to narrow the number of potential suitors to about, well, .2, and those ain’t good odds.  So, in light of my confirming bachelorhood, I’m been mulling the type of C.B. that I […]

conversation with myself in the midst of my most recent mental breakdown 3

“You’re kinda pathetic.” “No, really pathetic.  Sending a drunk dial email to your ex last night was probably one of the stupidest things you’ve done.” “Really stupid, and you don’t even drink.  He’s probably glad he dodged your crazy ***.” “I wish I could dodge myself.  So it’s confirmed, I’m going to die old, crazy, […]

what mormon movies and queer cinema have in common 4

This year, I watched seven out of the ten nominees for the Academy Award for Best Picture and I remember thinking how good the vast majority were.  The King’s Speech was fantastic, The Social Network was masterfully done, and even Inception was a huge achievement.  (Don’t even get me started on True Grit.)  But, for […]